Weed & Feed

Weed & Feed

Liquid Weed & Feed with added Humic Acid

This is a liquid fertilizer with broadleaf weed control. You will see the best results if applied 4 times per year (spring, early summer, summer and fall). The amounts of fertilizer, iron, and herbicide (weed control) change to meet the different needs of your lawn as the seasons change. In addition to the fertilizer, Kugler (the K in K-Lawn) has recommended adding Humic Acid. 

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What is Humid Acid?

Humic Acid compliments the fertilizer by helping to break up compacted clay soils which allows for enhanced water penetration and better root zone growth and development. In sandy soils it adds essential organic matter necessary for water retention thus improving root growth and enhancing the sandy soils ability to retain and not leach out vital plant nutrients. The herbicide in this application needs to be absorbed by the weeds so waiting at least 8 hours before watering is recommended. Children and pets must stay off the lawn until its dry – at least 4 hours. The fertilizer needs to be watered into the lawn within 24 hours of application.

We’ll care for your lawn!

Call us at (970) 759-5497 or contact us for your free quote.
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